
Event Details

Event: Communicating Effectively in the Classroom and Beyond
Starts: Wednesday 9/11/2019 11:30 AM
Ends: Wednesday 9/11/2019 02:30 PM
Location: Rudder Tower 302
Presenters: Center for Teaching Excellence
Hosted By: Center for Teaching Excellence
Contact Information:
Description: It’s a given that faculty members have expertise in their content areas. Communicating that expertise in an engaging manner -- whether to students via classroom lectures or to conference attendees via research presentations -- requires additional skill sets. This interactive session will provide participants with an opportunity to enhance their delivery methods, audience analysis, intercultural communication, and engagement techniques. Participants will learn important public speaking tips and also practice their skills to build confidence for the classroom and beyond. Lunch will be provided. Participants Will 1. Identify public speaking best practices as they relate to classroom teaching, research presentations, and intercultural communication 2. Apply and practice public speaking best practices to facilitate increased audience motivation, engagement, and success


Open to: Faculty
Registration Starts: Friday 8/2/2019 1:00 AM
Registration Ends: Wednesday 9/11/2019 11:00 AM
Seats Available: 1 of 35
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