
Event Details

Event: Academic English Communication Skills: Office Hours (Part 1)
Starts: Wednesday 3/19/2025 10:00 AM
Ends: Wednesday 3/19/2025 11:00 AM
Location: Blocker 232J
Presenters: Ginessa Payne, Center for Teaching Excellence
Hosted By: CTE - English Language Proficiency
Contact Information:
Description: Many teaching assistants and professors have the important responsibility of conducting office hours, in which students bring a range of questions and concerns. This workshop (Part 1) presents information about student expectations, as well as functional vocabulary for professional communication, even when the student is frustrated. This workshop is for current and future TAs and professors who use English as a Second Language, or American English as a second dialect. Note: This is a two-part workshop. Those who attend Part 1 will automatically be registered for Part 2 at the same day and time the following week. In Part 2, American undergraduate students will join and participate in a role-play, simulating interactions between instructors and students during office hours, preparing both parties for successful intercultural interactions in an academic setting.


Open to: Faculty Staff Grad Students
Registration Starts: Tuesday 1/9/2024 1:00 AM
Registration Ends: Wednesday 3/19/2025 9:00 AM
Seats Available: 25 of 25
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