Event Details
Event: |
Majors & Minors Fair |
Starts: |
Tuesday 3/1/2022 04:00 PM |
Ends: |
Tuesday 3/1/2022 06:00 PM |
Location: |
Hullabaloo Hall 117 A&B |
Presenters: |
Various Colleges/Departments |
Hosted By: |
Office for Student Success |
Contact Information: |
sshelpdesk@tamu.edu |
Description: |
The Majors & Minors Fair, formerly named Major Mania, is a resource styled event designed for undergraduate students to chat with representatives from various colleges and departments around campus. We invite you to explore areas of academic interest, learn of services around campus to help you achieve success, and discover possible career opportunities.
A list of available colleges and departments will be sent prior to the event. |
Open to: |
Registration Starts: |
Monday 2/7/2022 12:00 AM |
Registration Ends: |
Monday 2/28/2022 12:00 AM |
Seats Available: |
204 of 300 |
Registration Status: |
You must be logged in to register for an event. Login Here |