
Event Details

Event: AFF Fall 2024
Starts: Wednesday 11/6/2024 05:45 PM
Ends: Wednesday 11/6/2024 06:45 PM
Location: BLOC 169
Presenters: CV - Dr. Paul Rainey
Hosted By: Center for Teaching Excellence
Contact Information:
Description: AFF provides professional development for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to assist them to be “teaching ready” when entering careers in higher education. AFF offers a two-semester program featuring weekly seminars, mentorship from a current Texas A&M faculty member, and the opportunity to create documents for a teaching portfolio (teaching philosophy, course syllabus, etc.). AFF events are free and open to everyone in the Texas A&M academic community. Participants may choose to attend a few seminars or enough to complete requirements for the AFF Fellow certificate. New fellows are recognized at the annual CTE banquet in April. AFF is not active during summer semesters.


Open to: Staff Grad Students
Registration Starts: Wednesday 8/21/2024 1:00 AM
Registration Ends: Wednesday 11/6/2024 5:45 PM
Seats Available: 143 of 200
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