
Event Details

Event: GSPDT - Teaching with AI: Implications for TAs
Starts: Wednesday 6/26/2024 01:30 PM
Ends: Wednesday 6/26/2024 02:30 PM
Location: Zoom. Link will be emailed before the event.
Presenters: Dr. Bahman Shahri, Senior Educational Consultant & Ana Nava, Graduate Assistant - Center for Teaching Excellence
Hosted By: Center for Teaching Excellence
Contact Information:
Description: AI tools may provide opportunities that help teaching assistants (TAs) improve their pedagogical strategies and practices. Come join a workshop to gain insights about AI tools in teaching. The workshop will address the integration of AI tools into teaching and how those tools can help TAs to improve their teaching practices. T Participants will: • Discuss ways to integrate AI into teaching. • Identify AI tools that can help TAs to improve their teaching.


Open to: Grad Students
Registration Starts: Monday 4/22/2024 1:00 AM
Registration Ends: Wednesday 6/26/2024 12:55 PM
Seats Available: 49 of 50
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